Defeating Impotence: A Complete Guide to Understanding, Treating, and Preventing Erectile Dysfunction
Despite years of progress and accumulated changes in the world view of each generation, it is safe to say that sexual dysfunctions are still a sensitive issue for men. Shame and embarrassment made sexual dysfunction a taboo subject in polite company for a long time, which gave it a prominent position in the urban legends and endorsed dozens of folk remedies of doubtful effectiveness. Modern times have brought a certain change of attitude, but the issue is still a touchy one and best left alone. The launching of Viagra in the '90s and the huge marketing campaign has shed some light on erectile dysfunction , since men who found a solution in these pills are no longer ashamed to admit their past problems. On the psychological side, depression and the drugs associated with it interfere with erections. The same goes for feelings of anxiety, insecurity, low self-esteem and shame. Stress is another major cause why men cannot get an erection, especially in today's world....