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How to Get an Erection? A Comprehensive Guide to the Physiology of Male Erections

Welcome to the series of blog posts dedicated to the problem stated above: How to get an erection? If you need an urgent help to get an instant erection - I'll reveal how you can get it. There is no magic: I'll discover how erection oils work, how they can help you and even reveal where you can get this oil. You will have this kind of problems solved once and forever!

Every relationship between a man and a woman will surely encounter problems of some sort. These problems may vary from petty issues to more serious issues like loss of trust, infidelity, etc. Problems in a relationship can even be about getting an erection. If such is the case, the couple needs to seriously talk about the issue at hand. It is quite possible for the relationship to make a huge turn if the couple takes the erection problems lightly.

Erectile Dysfunction is more common than most people would like to admit. However, men with ED are quite hesitant to let other people know that they can not get an erection. In fact, some of these men can't admit to themselves that they do have the said male health condition. As a result, going to the doctor can be found at the bottom of their priority list. That is, if it can even be found at all.

Inability to get an erection means not being able to get the penis up. No matter how excited the man and woman are, it just seems that all their naughty teasing and caressing are up to no good. Another form of the erection problems is that the man is not able to prolong his erection for a very long time. As a result, it is very much possible that the woman is the only one who can achieve an orgasm. At other times, the woman can't reach her climax. However, there is a tendency for the woman to reach the "big O" because she is worried that her man will feel bad if she is not able to orgasm. Either way, not all parties are sexually satisfied. Thus, there is a feeling of disappointment and frustration for both people involved.

But then again, people suffering from the aforementioned conditions should not worry so much anymore. Thanks to advancements in technology, there are several cures to help man get an erection. One of such cures is using erection oils. These oils are proven safe for use. Another thing, they are not only safe, they are effective, too.

All natural erection oils are safe and effective because they contain herbs that have several benefits to the body. However, it is not only required that the ingredients are all-natural. One must also see to it that the ingredients are of the finest quality.

Erection oils are now recommended by the medical community. It goes without saying that men, especially those who are skeptical about purchasing such product, should not be troubled anymore. Doctors care for nothing better than the health of other people. Thus, one should take a doctor's word that the erection oils are truly safe and effective use to help man get an erection when he needs it. Who knows? It can even save the relationship. So what is the next step to solve erection problems? 

What is erection?

We have begun our reviews about cures for erection problems. There are different ways to help men get an erection. But there is still one question to answer. What is actually an erection? In order to help men get an erection, we need to know how an erection happens. Let's see.

A man gets an erection when the penis enlarges and stiffens. This sounds quite easy, but this is a very complex process that happens as a result of changes in blood vessels, prostate and nerves. The regulation of blood flow into and out of the penis is what makes an erection possible. It's awfully easy for various factors to interfere with it - for instance, worry, tiredness, too much alcohol or in later life, narrowing of the blood vessels.

An erection occurs when blood is pumped into the penis and stays there, making it hard. It generally happens because a guy is thinking about sex, or because his penis is being stimulated - or both. The result is that signals go down the nerves that lead from his spinal cord to his genitals. They tell the blood vessels which supply the penis to open up. Blood flows in and the organ 'blows up' like a balloon. A valve mechanism near the base of the penis keeps the blood from flowing out again - at least, until sex is over. Following orgasm or the withdrawal of sexual stimulation, the process is reversed. Blood flows out of the penis and back into your circulation, so the penis becomes soft.

An erection requires the interaction of your brain, nerves, hormones, and blood vessels. Anything that interferes with the normal process can become a problem. Fortunately, there are treatments available to help men get an erection. If you cannot get an erection, take a look at the erection oils. They are designed to penetrate the deepest layers of the penile tissue and testicles instantaneously, and give noticeable results within 30 - 90 seconds.

What causes erection? 

We have reviewed the erection in a previous post, now let's discover how erection happens. Yes, you may know that it appears when you think about sex, or because your penis (or body) is being stimulated, or both. But what processes happen on the physical level? This will help us discover why men may fail to get an erection and need a help.

  1. Touch, sights, sounds, erotic memories, fantasies etc., cause sexual excitement.
  2. These stimuli increase signal output from a part of the brain called the para-ventricular nucleus.
  3. These signals then pass through special autonomic nerves in the spinal cord, the pelvic nerves and the cavernous nerves that run along the prostate gland to reach the corpora cavernosa and the arteries that supply them with blood.
  4. In response to these signals, the muscle fibers in the corpora relax, allowing blood to fill the spaces between them.
  5. Muscle fibers in the arteries that supply the penis also relax, and there is an eight-fold increase in blood flow to the penis. The increased blood flow expands the corpora, then stretches the surrounding sheath (the tunica).
  6. As the tunica stretches, it blocks off the veins that take blood away from the corpora cavernosa. These traps blood within the penis, the pressure becomes very high and the penis becomes erect.
  7. During an erection pressure in the penis is at least twice the pressure of blood in the main circulation. This is possible because the muscles of the pelvic floor contract around the base of the corpora cavernosa.
  8. At orgasm, the signalling from the brain changes dramatically. There is a sudden increase in noradrenaline production from nerves in the genitalia. This seems to both trigger orgasm and contract the muscle fibers in the corpora cavernosa and their supplying arteries.
  9. The pressure within the corpora drops, which also relaxes the tunica and so allows blood to flow out of the penis.

The inability to get an erection can happen as a result of one or more of these processes breaking down. Fortunately, there are treatments available. 

Erection problems

We have discovered what is actually an erection and how it happens. Now it's time to focus on erection problems. What are they? When do you find you cannot get an erection? Are there different types of erection problems? What causes erection problems? Here are a few answers.

An erection problem is the inability to get an erection that is firm enough for a man to have intercourse. You may be unable to get an erection at all, or you may lose the erection during intercourse before you are ready. You may even good erection to complete intercourse, but it is not firm enough to satisfy your partner. If the condition persists, the medical term is erectile dysfunction. But this is not always the case. You may experience temporary problems that can be solved with erection oils. They are designed to help men get an erection.

Erection problems are common in adult men. In fact, almost all men experience occasional difficulty getting or maintaining an erection. In many cases, it is a temporary condition that will go away with little or no treatment. While in other cases, it can be an ongoing problem that can damage a man's self-esteem and harm his relationship with his partner, and thus requires treatment. If you have difficulty having or keeping an erection more than 25% of the time, it is considered a problem.

In the past, erection problems were thought to be "all in the man's mind." Men were often given unhelpful advice such as "don't worry" or "just relax and it will take care of itself." Today, doctors believe that when the problem does not go away on its own, physical factors are usually the cause.

In most men, erection difficulties do not affect their sex drive. However, they can seriously affect, damage and even ruin sex life. 

Statistics of erection problems 

Most men may fail to get an erection at some time in their lives. Alcohol, tiredness, stress or simply not being in the right mood at the right time may all lead to failure to achieve or maintain an erection. The most frequent cause of temporary problems is anxiety.

It is quite common for a man to achieve erection but not be able to maintain a sufficiently hard penis for sexual intercourse to take place. Surveys have suggested that 50% of men will experience erectile dysfunction and around 7% of men will experience persistent difficulties with erection during the course of their lives. As men get older, the incidence of problems increases, but that should never deter anyone from seeking help.

It is estimated that as few as 10% of men with erection problems seek assistance, despite the fact that treatment and support can be highly effective. The first source of help is your GP. If necessary, a referral to another health professional can be organized.

If possible, you should discuss the situation with your partner. Failing to be open with your partner about your anxieties can exacerbate your problem and make your partner feel excluded or rejected. It is highly beneficial to have your partner's emotional support and understanding. It may help to have the partner accompany you to see the doctor. But the real treatment can be found in erection oils - they are proven to help men get an erection and boost male libido.

Who cannot get an erection?

The outlook for men that cannot get an erection has improved enormously in the last few years - so much so that almost all patients nowadays can be assured of a return to successful intercourse. Many of these males feel that the new treatments for erection problems have transformed their lives.

First, let's define the problem. Erection problems mean an inability to get a good enough erection to achieve satisfactory intercourse. Some sufferers can't get a hard-on at all; others get one but it isn't firm enough to penetrate the partner; and others can manage penetration for a bit, but then lose it.

Erection problems are very common, and they occur for a variety of reasons and at different ages:

  1. Teenagers and young men. In younger males, the most frequent cause is anxiety - particularly nervousness about having sex, about causing a pregnancy, or about using a condom. A lot of men in this age group complain that they 'can't get on with a condom' because as soon as they try to put it on, they lose their 'hardness'.
  2. Middle age Common causes in this age group are overwork, stress, guilt and bereavement (problems often happens when a widowed man tries to form a new sexual relationship). A few cases are due to diabetes. Sellers of penis erection pills usually target this age group.
  3. Post-middle age In this group of men, erection problems gets commoner with increasing age. Nonetheless, 70 per cent of all 70-year-olds are sexually potent.

It is now clear that in a very high proportion of cases, the problem is due to deterioration in the blood vessels that carry blood into the penis. You may be surprised to see that I have not listed 'lack of hormones' as a common cause of erection problems. In fact, lack of male hormone is pretty rare.

If you are tempted to go to one of the many private clinics that make a habit of diagnosing 'male hormone deficiency', and then charging huge sums of money for testosterone treatment, I suggest you think twice! Going to a prostitute to see if she can cure you is also a bad idea.

If you have difficulty getting an erection, take a look at erection oils. They are developed to help you get an erection in less than a minute. However, if you think you have serious issues, you may probably have an Erectile Dysfunction. 

Erection and sex 

Our relationship with our partner is one of our priorities especially in marriage. In maintaining a good relationship, there are, however, many things, which we should consider. One of the vital factors that contribute to the stability and deepening of a relationship is sex.

Sex is essential in a relationship. It's not only enough to be responsible in terms of love and commitment but we should also seek to satisfy them in terms of our sexual relationship. That's why there are a lot of issues raised regarding sexual capacity and performance such as ability to get an erection, foreplay, penis size, libido, orgasm etc. Apparently, many times, a lot of relationships and marriages fail because of lack of satisfaction and unsolved problems in lovemaking.

The role of sex in a relationship is not solely confined to physical pleasure. The performance especially of a man in sex also is a manifestation of his affection for his partner and his concern for the relationship. A man, who desires the happiness of his woman, should strive to be a good partner in bed then.

However, if a man cannot get an erection, there is no sex, there is no pleasure. As a result, there is no happy marriage, problems with partner and divorce. Good news is that today there are a lot of information and products out in the market, which can help men get an erection.

Erection and relationships 

Every man desires to establish and to maintain a good relationship with his partner. Building a strong relationship though is not an easy task. For, several key elements must interplay and several conditions must be met in order to have a lasting relationship with somebody. When it comes to relationships especially marriage, sex is an integral part. The act of making love is the most intimate level of a relationship that must be understood, shared, and mutually enjoyed by a couple. In other words, it is in the process of lovemaking where a man is able to show his affection for a woman in a most intimate manner. The goal of every man in bed is to give maximum pleasure to his sexual partner. It is only when a woman is fully satisfied in bed that a man can fully affirm his manhood.

While some men struggle to increase sex drive and fight off exhaustion just to finish a short session, others barely make it into the foreplay due to premature ejaculation. Or in some cases, a man may have all the energy he needs and yet he often retreats from sex due to the erection problems. Failure to get an erection can spoil the sexual activity and all relationship with his partner.

While the small size of a man's private part can be easily explained through the process of physical growth, erectile dysfunction is much more complicated. Erectile dysfunction is a health problem wherein a man is unable to get an erection, which is long enough for a satisfying sexual activity.

Some of the common physical causes include: impaired blood flow into or from the penis, diabetes, prostate cancer, Peyronie's disease (penile curvature), prostatitis, diseases of the nervous system, injury and accidents, surgery, smoking, excessive intake of alcohol, drugs, prolonged exercise, and many more.

If you are looking for an effective and trusted male enhancement product, then try erection oils. This type of product is one of the safest and best-selling among the male enhancement drugs. This is your answer for harder, bigger, and long-lasting erection. Your 100% guaranteed way to get an erection every time you need it!

Causes of erection problems

We have already revealed that an erection requires the interaction of your brain, nerves, hormones, and blood vessels. Anything that interferes with the normal process can become a problem. As a result you may fail to get an erection. Common causes of erection problems include:

  • Diseases and conditions that affect blood circulation such as diabetes, thyroid disease. To achieve an erection, it is necessary that blood flows to the penis and stays there. If there are circulation problems, there may be difficulties to get an erection. Blockage of the blood supply to the penis is a common cause of erectile dysfunction. This is quite similar to blockage of the heart vessels in heart disease.
  • Excessive drinking. Unfortunately 'brewers droop' is not a myth. It is estimated that excess alcohol consumption causes about one in six cases of erectile dysfunction. Contrary to popular belief alcohol is a depressant drug and although it may lessen sexual inhibitions it may also reduce sexual arousal. It is worth cutting back on your drinking to see if this has any impact on the problem.
  • Excessive smoking. Heavy smokers are particularly at risk from poor circulation and therefore problems with erection. Research has shown that men who smoke are more likely to encounter erectile problems than men who are non-smokers.
  • Drugs. One of the side effects of certain groups of drugs is a problem with erection. Drugs for treating high blood pressure, depression, or some ulcer healing drugs and anticonvulsant can cause erectile dysfunction.
  • Conditions of the penis. There are a number of conditions affecting the tissues in the penis that if left untreated, will have an impact on the ability to maintain an erection. These include Peyronie's Disease (bent penis) balanitis (inflamed glans or head of penis) and untreated priapism (where erection lasts for hours becoming very painful). Infections, including sexually transmitted diseases may also lead to problems.
  • Serious illness. A range of serious illnesses may cause erectile dysfunction. These include liver or kidney disease, heart attack, heart failure, chest problems, injury or major surgery. Some people may be so weakened by their condition that they simply lack the stamina for intercourse.
  • Psychological causes.

Erection problems tend to become more common as you age, but it can affect men at any age and at any time in their lives. Physical causes are more common in older men, while psychological causes are more common in younger men. But anyway you can help your body get an erection by choosing erection oils. They will help you get an erection on demand. 

Will aphrodisiacs help?

Most of the natural aphrodisiacs are based on the ancient idea of sympathetic magic. For instance a powder obtained from ground rhino horn was thought to be a highly effective aphrodisiac because the horn looked similar to a huge erect penis. But is it really an effective way to help men get an erection? And so were bananas. Clams and oysters were also used because of their appearance. Smell, taste and appearance were all taken into account in order to determine the properties of a fruit, vegetable or exotic ingredient.

Psychoactive substances are widely used today both to arouse and to heighten the experience, although this is not generally a good idea. MDMA (Ecstasy) and alcohol make people feel closer together and dispel inhibitions, but also decreases the flow of blood to the genital area as a side effect. Cocaine or amphetamines are associated with arousal and hypersexuality, but both tend to impair sexual functions.

However, two healthy adults should not have to resort to drugs of any kind. Some free time spent relaxing together, followed by an intimate dinner is enough to set the mood. Use slow music, incense and candle-light if you want to add a touch of sophistication and choose foods that you can feed each other across the table.

Get in the mood while enjoying sexy food like oysters, quail's eggs with champagne or asparagus. Exotic fruits and chocolate should mark the end of the dinner, after which you can retire to the bedroom for a night of passion. However, this is still not a guarantee the night of passion will happen. Fact is, almost all men experience erection problems from time to time. If you do not want to destroy your self-esteem and harm the relationship with your lover, try erection oils.

How to get erection?

If you have erection problems, the next question after how to get an erection is how to find erection problems treatment. Let's see what options are available. Personally, I feel that in most cases of psychologically-induced ED, it's worth trying erection oils to help the man get an erection back to boost his confidence.

Oral drugs which induce erection have revolutionized the treatment of ED over the last seven years. They don't work for everybody, but they do work for the majority - even in diabetes. They can also help people with neurological and spinal problems. Also, the choice of available drugs means that if one particular drug doesn't suit you, it's well worth trying one of the others. It is not safe for some people to use these drugs and some medications interact dangerously with them. Therefore, before going on any of these pills you should always see a doctor, talk things over with him, and have a physical check-up. Do not buy erection drugs by mail-order, or from chaps you meet in pubs!

The most known erection drug is Viagra. In most men, works within an hour. Effect lasts for about four hours. Easily blocked by food in the stomach. The most common side effects are headache, visual disturbances, blocked nose, flushed face, indigestion, palpitations - and dizziness after getting out of bed too quickly! Blue vision occurs at higher doses. Viagra is very dangerous with certain heart drugs. Interacts with many medications. Do not drink grapefruit juice on day of use. Viagra's counterparts: Cialis and Levitra. There are also known side effects.

It's also possible to give erection-inducing agents by injections into the penis and pellets inserted down the urinary pipe. These methods have become less popular since the increasing availability of oral drugs, but they suit a minority of men. You have to be quite brave to give yourself a jab in the penis. For details of side effects, consult your GP.

Mechanical aids. Vacuum pumps. A pump is a cylinder which you put over your penis. You then pump out the air. That should 'suck' your penis into an erection - which, however, tends to be a bit cold and blue-looking. Rings. Specially-designed rings which fit round the base of the male organ are often used with vacuum pumps. However, they can be tried on their own. The idea is that the ring helps stop the blood from flowing out of the penis. You need to get an erection before you can use rings.

Surgery. In the 1990s there was great hope that surgery would cure a lot of men who had ED. Unfortunately, it hasn't worked out like that, and it is fairly rare to see a man whose erection problems have been put right by a surgical operation.

Finally, erection oils. Erection oils are designed to penetrate the deepest layers of the penile tissue and testicles instantaneously, and give noticeable results within 30 - 90 seconds. Because the absorption is direct to the genitals using the transdermal method, 95% of the beneficial ingredients are absorbed, compared to approx 5 to 10% with a herbal capsule or tablet.

Erectile dysfunction is usually treatable these days. The most effective and safe method to get an erection is using erection oils.

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