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From Fertility to Virility: The Ultimate Guide to Penile Health

Let's talk about penis. Actually, it's all about penis. Whether you want to increase sperm volume or need help to get an erection when you need it - it's all about penis. Keeping your penis healthy gets you far greater erection strength and stamina, as well as general sexual satisfaction. Simply put, a healthy penis provides you with a healthy sex life!

Maintaining a healthy and vigorous penis is maybe one of the more important things all guys should be mindful of. Do your penis a favor by considering the following suggestions:

  • Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. To ensure normal erectile function, you need to keep the continuous flow of blood to the penis by taking care of the arteries that supply it. Consume a high fiber diet, low in saturated fats and you can be sure to prevent or reduce the build up of fatty deposits that narrow and clog arteries. Stay away from animal fats, sugar, fried or junk foods.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking constricts blood vessels and leads to a build of plaque in the arteries that supply blood to the penis. This results in diminished erectile function, shrinkage of the penis, and impotence later in life.
  • Avoid liquor and dangerous drugs. Alcohol and narcotics puts you in great risk of impotence or erectile dysfunction.
  • Exercise. Exercising is good for your overall health. Try brisk walking, running, cycling, or swimming for at least 30 minutes a day, three times a week.
  • Take nutritional supplements. Certain vitamins and minerals are good for maintaining general penile health, such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Chromium, Zinc, and L-arginine. While certain herbs such as Ginkgo biloba, Ginseng, Damiana, Sarsaparilla, Wild yam, Saw palmetto, Dong quai, Gotu kola, Hydrangea root, and Pygeum, are known to be particularly helpful for weak erections or impotence. Be sure to consult with your doctor first.
  • Stimulate your penis. Maintain healthy penis and prostate circulation by having regular erections and ejaculations.
  • Help your penis. If you are having troubles with erection - do not get frustrated. There are specially formulated erection oil that will help you get an erection in just 30–60 seconds after you apply it. If you cannot get an erection - it is not a reason to give up and stop your sex life.

Penis Medical Conditions

Since I talk about the penis I decided to include some information on penis medical conditions. If you are suffering from any of these conditions hopefully my information will help you.


In about 40% of infertile couples, the cause of the infertility lies with the males. There are many reasons for male infertility. Quick Fact: It takes approximately 72–90 days to produce mature sperm. Sperm is produced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

There are many factors that can decrease or cease sperm production. Here are a few:

  • Illness
  • Excessive Caffeine
  • Stress
  • Street and certain Prescription Drugs
  • Some over the counter medications
  • Injury to the testicles
  • Blockage in the Vas Deferens
  • Varicocele
  • Excessive Heat
  • Vitamin Deficiencies
There are also natural ways to increase sperm count and quality. Normal semen values outlined below:
  • Volume (mL) 2.0
  • Sperm Concentration (million/mL) 20
  • Motility (%) 50
  • Forward Progression (0-4) 3
  • Normal Morphology (%) (WHO) 30
  • Normal Morphology (%) (Strict) 14
  • Total Sperm Count (million) 40
  • Total Motile Sperm (million) 20
  • Total Functional Sperm (million) 6


Impotence is the inability of a man either to get an erection or to keep the penis erect long enough to have sexual intercourse. This is a common problem affecting as many as 10 million men in the United States. By the time most men are 40 they have already experienced impotence at some time in their lives.

When just a single incident occurs, the best thing to do is forget about it. Problems arise when this difficulty starts occurring regularly. If you need help to get an erection, do not wait until it's too late to treat the condition.

Mid-life crisis 

Rather similar to the female menopause, this male phenomenon is what is known as andropause. Also called Partial Androgen Deficiency in the Aging Male (or PADAM) or Aging Male Syndrome (AMS), it refers to the natural and gradual decline of testosterone (or the male hormone) levels starting at the age of 30 and which continue to do so at a staggering rate of 10 percent per decade.

Since testosterone is a hormone that helps maintain sex drive, sperm production, pubic and body hair, muscle, and bone, the consequences of andropause slowly emerge as a man ages.

This "midlife crisis" poses a great impact in the quality of most men's lives. Life is finally taking its toll on the aging body. Moreover, andropause leads to other long-term and silent effects such as increased cardiovascular risk and osteoporosis.

But you can opt to battle it out and alleviate or even avoid the symptoms brought about by andropause. You should have a strategy that incorporates lifestyle approaches such as optimal diet, regular exercise, stress management, and reduction of tobacco and alcohol intake.

If you want size, stamina, and the best sex you've ever had, take a look at erection oils - your gateway to success!

Sexual Stamina

The idea to increase sexual stamina also shows the need for a sex drive that is nearly indispensable. Men have learned various ways to make this happen in the lovemaking. One common idea is withdrawal before reaching an orgasm. Since men can sense when they are approaching their orgasm, they can time their pulling out without antagonizing a woman. A perfectly timed withdrawal not only does good to the men by providing a more intense and going sex energy, but also benefits the women since they can orgasmically "keep up" with a partner. In case this pulling out method needs more refinement, perhaps constant exercise is helpful. This could be reached via penis exercises, which enables men to estimate their levels and points of orgasm. Although proper practice does not inevitably mean proper application, the male penis could already be prepared with the basics on reaching his orgasms for more than just two minutes.

The most known among the lot of techniques that increase sexual stamina is the use of male enhancement products. This argument is also maintained by medical experts. Whether on websites or in selling health and drug stores, these products are the most popular. Desensitizing oils and enhancement devices can be sold and bought at a relatively low-cost level. Aside from the low cost, men choose the penis enhancers over penile surgery because obviously, men are not really keen on changing a part of their male organs or organs entirely. Based on the population of users who actually sponsor male enhancement products, it can be deduced that men are searching for a solution that is good for a given period of time, specifically for hours of sex activity.

Medical experts recommend men and women to check and make sure that their preferred method to increase sexual stamina not only allows a positive result on sexual performance and male penis, but also on the sexual relationship between man and woman and on the health of both partners. Research has shown that supplements based on natural ingredients that are used in male enhancement products contribute mostly to erection improvement and libido enhancement; in addition, the right blend of these components also account for a renewed sex drive, which would importantly benefit those who are already in their prime age and those who have other healthcare problems like high cholesterol, and blood and heart-related issues. Doctors also promote the usage of natural male enhancement products because harmful side effects, like those detected in other medicines and sexual methods, are virtually absent. With these advantages, the way to increase sexual stamina simply entails going back to the basics even nowadays in our times of modernity.

Loss of Sexual Power 

Do you suffer from the loss of sexual power, sexual frustration, and problems with erection? If you wish to feel great security, you'd better pay your attention to such erection therapies, which will help to increase your self-confidence. If you wish to make your sexual life better, you may first of all consider erection therapy.

Different penile enhancement techniques are everywhere these days. With the introduction of the World Wide Web, these solutions have acquired wide recognition and become an affordable choice for males trying to enhance male organ size or just to achieve additional control over their erection strength and performance in bed.

This kind of erection exercises aims at improving the genitals blood circulation. Another goal is to "teach" the erectile tissue to increase the volume of blood held in the penis during sexual arousal and erection. Theoretically, the erectile tissue acquires the ability to hold more blood inside. And this factor will naturally affect the size of penis either it is erected or not which means permanent penis enlargement.

Another way to keep your erections under control is to train your Pubococcygeal muscle (or PC muscle). When properly trained, this muscle is ready to keep maintaining a good erection. There are two muscles that determine the thickness of the male organ. The Bulbo Cavernous (BC) and the Ischio Cavernous (IC) go around the penis base like belts on a tire. They add thickness and rigidity to the shaft when they are contracted and pumped. You can train these two muscles as the other voluntary muscles and through the exercises improve their strength and size.

Virility problems  

Clinically called Erectile Dysfunction or ED, virility problems are the biggest issue concerning men's health. Impotence or inability to get an erection leads to diminished sexual satisfaction like insufficient ejaculation or orgasm. No formal records can reveal the beginnings of this dysfunction. No history books can trace back the first case of erectile problems; on where and how it started. It can be assumed that it came into existence the moment the penis was created. 

Virility is the yin and impotence is the yang of men. However, efforts to fight off problematic erections dates back as early as the 1930s. Doctor John R Brinkley is an American diploma-mill graduate who began the trend of finding cures for men's health problems. Records have it that Brinkley conducted about 16,000 operations in which he implanted men with tissues from the testicles of young goats. 

Inflatable penile implants began to exist during the 1970s, and the injectable gained controversy in 1983 when Giles Brindley, a British physiology PhD holder, exposed before the American Urological Association his erection achieved through phentolamine injections. Brindley's discovery served as the foundation for later further studies and development of oral medications against erection problems such as the popular virility pills.

There are approximately 30 million American men suffering from erectile dysfunction but most still have the ability to have an orgasm and father a child, but often have difficulty doing these things because they can't get an erection. If you need an instant erection, you should take a look at the topical erection oils. Targeted delivery has been recently identified as an emerging alternative to orally administered products mainly due to the current concerns of the side effects that may occur from taking prescription drugs. Topical erection oils present a preferable delivery method that enhances the desired effect directly to the intended site of action while limiting the exposure of the rest of the body to the ingredients.

Viagra and alternatives

Since a drug that acts like a Viagra is usually targeted to treat Erectile Dysfunction and other penile disorders, its effects do not readily instigate that much-needed desire or interest for sex. Most of these drugs, in actuality, simply transfer a higher amount of blood to penises in a shorter time than other methods. On the other hand, when men choose natural products or those erection oils made with herbal ingredients over the medically synthetic varieties, they would likely get all they want in just one purchase. 

That is because a large bulk of these natural alternatives also serve as aphrodisiacs; they are known to heighten or renew the interest and excitement of men towards sexual activities. In fact, many people consider these natural or herbal alternatives as real Viagra replacements because they are generally beneficial not just to the male organ and help men get an erection, but to the whole male body itself. Hence, opting for such alternative penis products is largely considered to be better for the total welfare and well-being of the male population.

Medical journals and experts also recommend the presence of natural components in a Viagra alternative. Saw Palmetto brings about an improved strength and hormonal balance for both individuals engaged in sex. Those who prefer to restore the vigor in their sex lives may like to look up on Muira Pauma, as the bark extract similarly benefits those with libido and erection problems. The inclusion of the Catuaba extract is advised by Dr. Penna, as well, for its tonic and antiviral properties. Lastly, the phytochemical Hawthorn Berry is not only seen as a sexual stimulant, but also as a strengthening element for the blood and heart functions of a man's body.

While all these components may not work the same way with each individual and the ingredients found in the Viagra alternative may be pharmaceutical or natural, the final verdict still lies on the end user of the product. You can find a lot of testimonials that prove the effectiveness of these products.

Natural Male Libido Enhancement

In a situation where the man claims that his sexual problems have been treated with just a dose of natural male enhancement, there remains no question what or which items he is referring to. With the prevalence of natural male enhancement products both in retail drug stores, pharmacies, and online shops, the array of options for the man is clearly vast. It seems that these goods are regarded as the solutions or the ones that would supposedly put an end to all woes of the man, especially when it comes to his sexual activities.

When one mentions the term natural male enhancement, it is inevitable for some people to experience a significant amount of doubt. Their skepticism is quite logical, in a way. In an era when most individuals are heavily dependent on drugs to keep them sane and let them go on with their lives, who can instantly put faith in all that is basic and natural? It is like saying that the solution has been right before people's very eyes and they just missed it.

As opposed to other methods of enhancing the penis, natural male enhancement products are deemed more effective and safer. For instance, when compared to the idea of having to undergo penis surgery, the natural way of enhancing the penis is certain to be more appealing. There are two main explanations for this case: less or absence of pain and less cost. Surgery entails an addition or removal of part of a male organ and thus, there becomes a major, if not overall, alteration to the man's penis. This basically implies that a man undergoing such surgical procedures could possibly experience more pain and physical side effects during or in the aftermath of the procedure than when he decides to undergo a simple and non-invasive oral medication or routine. Although surgery may only be a one-time session, it ultimately asks for a higher fee than the employment of natural enhancers.

Does that mean to say that all natural male enhancement methods fare well on the same footing? Not necessarily. Some products that claim to be natural enhancers still generate undesirable and sometimes, even threatening side effects, in the duration of the application. Methods that speak of enhancing the penis such as pumps, straps, weights, or rings may do more harm to the part because of the periodical manipulations it normally requires to lengthen and increase size. It is further stated that ineffectiveness could also be the outcome of some penis pills and exercises.

Dr. Alzwahereh emphasizes that the composition of the product itself is equally significant. Although most of the items available online and in health stores today are in the form of pills and medications, consumers should check out the actual ingredients used in making these natural male enhancement supplies. Based on several studies conducted by Dr. Alzwahereh and his colleagues in medicine, it can be inferred that the more nature-based the ingredients are in a specific penis enhancer, the more effective it becomes. The medical group even reached a consensus that herbal ingredients do prove to work in bringing about a thicker and firmer penis. Some herbs, like Catuaba bark, Hawthorn berry, and Saw Palmetto berry, even provide benefits to other body parts, aside from the male organ. For example, Hawthorn berry ingredients help in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure; meanwhile, the Catuaba extract is shown to have both antibacterial and antiviral characteristics that complement its function as a sexual libido booster.

Although herbal components are innately advantageous for one's health when taken, consumers must be aware of the quality and right blend of these constituents in the natural male enhancement product of their choice. This is ensured through a scientifically engineered formula that has been tested over and over by scientists to produce the most optimal results. Moreover, the employment of the right natural formula decreases or in some situations, totally eliminates the risks that other popular drug medications might bring such as headaches, dizziness, stomachaches, or flushing. Thus, the high quality and exact combination of herbs and nutrients are responsible, not only for reviving the pleasure and vigor in sexual activities, but also for promoting the overall health of men.

Various testimonials and endorsements abound on the usage of these natural male enhancement goods, especially on the net. But whatever scheme or marketing strategy the pharmaceutical or manufacturing company comes up with, the final decision still lies on the individual. Opting for a natural male enhancement method to help you get an erection may be the wise thing to do, as it obviously entails lots of advantages for the man, but remember that the results may also be on a case-to-case basis. Eventually, what really matters is that the selected method or product should prove to develop the individual's health and the holistic relationship between the people involved.

Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises are a modern take on an ancient idea. For those of you who are not aware, exercising the pubococcygeus muscle was first developed by the Taoist movement in China quite some time ago. Their exercises were meant to strengthen various muscles in order to promote health, longevity, spiritual development, better sex and help men get an erection. Doctor Arnold Kegel has simply made this kind of exercises popular in another age and brought them to the attention of more people than ever before.

The name 'Kegel' is another way of referring to penis exercises whose aim is to restore and increase the tone of the pubococcygeus muscle by regular clenching and unclenching. A strong PC muscle helps men maintain control of erections and ejaculations, increases the flow of blood to the penis, keeps the prostate in check in old age and prevents incontinence. Women can also use Kegels to bring their vagina back into shape after the stretching caused by childbirth. As you can see, Kegels are great for both men and women and are best taken up early on in order to prepare the pelvic floor for old age.

Herbal Pills for Penis Health

Good penis health is a dream of all men. But some men can't have any erection. Actually, there are many men of all ages who believe that sexual activity is some kind of task as they don't get pleasure from it because they can't produce a normal penile erection. Even those men who get an erection want to get it even harder, since a good erection will bring more satisfaction to their sexual partners and their sexual relationships in general.

There are several ways - and surprisingly simple ones - that can help get an erection or improve it in order to be harder. Apart from being simple these ways are also very easy to practice.

Healthy diet is one of these ways of getting a good erection. Fats should be avoided, particularly prior to having a sexual intercourse. Fatty foods decrease libido and the level of testosterone, which makes erection weaker and harder to get.

One more way for a good erection is to stop a premature ejaculation. The next important thing is choosing sexual positions with a man on top. In such a position one’s blood flows towards the penis tip, thus making erection stronger.

You can also make your erection firmer and longer if you give up smoking. Smoking is harmful for blood vessels and tissues of your organ. When damaged, penis tissues cannot stretch and expand easily, therefore penis loses its elasticity.

All the methods above are not bad, but there is a better way to improve one's erection. You can get harder erection by taking herbal penis pills. The results achieved after tests and studies allow stating that herbal penis pills for good erection are effective and safe due to the qualities of herbs they contain that unfailingly lead to better sex experience. A person doesn't just obtain a good erection, he's additionally can get a thicker and bigger male organ. One more thing, herbal penis pills promote an increased blood flow in penile area of men who’re using them.

Another important effect is psychological - a man who takes herbal penis pills will gain back some of his sexual self-esteem because his worries about his performance will be gone. Another undeniable advantage of herbal penis pills is the fact that they have no harmful side effects, and taking them men can be sure that no harm will be done to their health.

Doctor recommendations

At the same time it is essential to pay attention to the recommendation of your doctor in purse of good penis health. Men should be aware of the fact that different methods bring different results. There are methods that do not guarantee that good erection will be reached. The penis pills you purchase should be safe. Do not think that all pills, which are called ‘herbal’, are equally safe.

Penis pills include effective and widely spread herbal components that raise the level of testosterone and improve sexual desire, but they do not comprise such components as Yohimbe. This sexual stimulant is well-marketed and can be found in different pills, but it is risky to take them because Yohimbe can lead to high blood pressure and even heart failure if used in excessively.

Thus, you have to think about your overall health before making a decision which method to choose. You do not want to deteriorate your health. On the other hand, you are eager to improve your erection. Do your homework, make a research and make the right choice suitable only for you.

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